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Nutritious Mexican Wrap Recipe for Kids! Packed with Health

dairy-free recipes healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes oil-free recipes plant-based vegan recipes snacks recipes Oct 02, 2020
Nutritious Mexican Wrap Recipe for Kids! Packed with Health
Prep Time: 08 Hours
Cook Time: 45 minutes
Servings: 2-3 Servings

Think of Mexican food and tacos are the first dish that comes to mind. Making tacos involves a laborious process, which pushes many to go for a readymade option. However, anything made at home is always tasty and satisfying and Mexican tacos are no exception to this rule. Crispy corn (makai)/bajra or jowar flour chappati loaded with tangy ramja topping and other toppings - These tacos are a sumptuous snack everyone will love.


  • Red kidney beans/rajma: 1-2 cups (soaked overnight, cooked and drained and slightly mashed)
  • Onion: 1 cup (finely chopped)
  • Tomato: 1-2 cup (finely chopped)
  • Green/red pepper, capsicum: 1 cup (de-seeded and chopped)
  • Green chillies: 2 (finely chopped)
  • Steamed corn: 1 cup
  • Garlic: 1-2 cloves (minced to taste)
  • Cumin seeds: ½ tsp
  • Red chilli powder: ½ tsp
  • Coriander powder: 1 tsp
  • Lemon juice: from 1 lemon
  • Rock salt to taste
  • Jowar/Bajra/Corn Chapati/Tortilla or Taco shells: as required
  • Suggested Toppings
    • Guacamole

    • Shredded lettuce/cabbage

    • Tomato salsa

    • Fresh coriander chopped

    • Sliced jalapeno

    • Sliced black, green olives


  • Heata pan. Add onions and saute till translucent.
  • Add cumin seeds, coriander powder and red chilli powder. Cook for 5 min, add garlic, peppers and salt and let it cook. When its almost done, add tomato, green chillies, cooked kidney beans and steamed corn. Lastly, add lemon juice. This is the filling part.
  • If chapati is used: Place Chapati/roti on a non-stick flat griddle/tawa. Let it warm slightly on one side - about 30-40 sec. Flip it over and warm the other side. Put 2-3 tsp of kidney beans filling. Top it with Guacamole, Tomato Sauce and lettuce or any other topping of your choice. Roll it and Enjoy!!
  • If Taco shell is used: Fill each shell as above and bake at 180 - 200 degrees C for 4-5 min. This makes them slightly soft so that they don't break with your first bite. Put 2-3 tbsp of kidney bean filling. Top it with Guacamole, Tomato salsa and lettuce or any other topping of your choice. Enjoy!!

Eating guide

  • Food group: Vegetables and legumes
  • Veggies, are loaded with enzymes and high water content. They aid in digestion and act as daily dose of vitamins and minerals
  • Rajma (Kidney beans) is your legume category. These are whole foods and a great addition to much-needed protein and fiber.

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