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Non-Fried Palak Pakoras-Best of Health & Taste

dairy-free recipes healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes oil-free recipes plant-based vegan recipes snacks recipes Jul 20, 2020
Non-Fried Palak Pakoras-Best of Health & Taste
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 5 minutes
Servings: 3-4 Servings

Come monsoon or chilly winters, and you crave for pakode (fritters). But the guilt always follows you if you indulge. So here is a guilt free oil free version of the pakode. We have simply grilled them! It tastes no different than the deep fried version. The recipe uses spinach, you could use any veggie of choice. In summers simply do an onion version.


  • Spinach: 1 bunch
  • Besan (Gram/Chickpeas flour): 1 cup
  • Onions: 1
  • Ginger: a small piece
  • Garlic: 2-3
  • Cold pressed mustard oil: 1 tsp
  • Red Chilli powder: 1 tsp
  • Coriander powder: 1 tsp
  • Kasuri Methi/Dried Fenugreek leaves: 5-6
  • Rock salt as per taste


  • Clean and cut spinach leaves.
  • Mix the spinach leaves with finely cut onions, ginger and garlic paste.
  • Add all the masalas like red chilli powder, coriander powder, kasuri methi, rock salt and mix well.
  • Mix the besan powder to the above masala and mix well.
  • Make round balls out of the spinach masala mix.
  • Grease the parchment paper with cold pressed mustard oil.
  • Place the spinach balls on the greased paper and bake it at 175 degree celsius for 20 min.
  • After 20 min turn over the balls and bake for another 5 minutes.

Tasty oil free palak pakode is ready to serve!

Eating Guide

  • Food group: Vegetables
  • Vegetables are highly alkalising foods, helping our bodies balance our internal pH.
  • Steaming or light cooking the veggies ensure you are able to retain the enzymes and the nourishment - making it easier for the body to complete its nutritional profile intake. But many times, when you want to replicate the taste of a food, especially to nourish your mind (Food for mind) - then go ahead and do so!

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