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Mustard Pumpkin Gravy - Add Healthy Fats to your Diet

curries and meals healing recipes healthy recipes oil-free recipes plant-based vegan recipes May 19, 2020
Mustard Pumpkin Gravy - Add Healthy Fats to your Diet
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Servings: 3 Servings

'Sasve' as known for in Karnataka, this dish is quick to make when you have pumpkin at home. The highlight of this dish is the mustard. The subtle flavour of raw mustard gives a unique taste to this tangy dish. This has fresh whole coconut that brings in healthy fats, unlike the oils. Since most of the dish is raw or steamed, it’s far more healthy than a excessively cooked dish. 


  • 1c grated fresh coconut
  • 4-5 red chilli ( quantity is variable)
  • 1 small amla sized jaggery
  • 3-4 tbsp of tamarind pulp
  • 1 tsp mustard seeds
  • Unrefined salt to taste
  • 1/4 kg yellow pumpkin, peeled and cubed
  • Tadka
    • 1tsp Channa dal 
    • 1 tsp urad dal
    • 1 tsp mustard
    • 1 tsp cumin 
  • Coriander for garnish 


  • Steam the cubes of the pumpkin and keep aside. It must be just cooked but not soft to mash
  • In a mixer grinder jar, add coconut, chilli, salt, jaggery, tamarind, mustard with just enough water to grind
  • Pour this on the steamed pumpkin and mix well.
  • To this add a dry tadka
    • In an iron pan, first add channa dal and urad dal and dry roast till they slowly turn brown
    • Then add cumin and mustard and switch off. The mustard will splutter.
  • Add this to the gravy and garnish with coriander leaves
  • This can be enjoyed with a roti or rice

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