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Mango Fruity - Additive Free | Preservative Free

dairy free recipes fruit juices & smoothies healing recipes healthy drinks healthy recipes kids friendly recipes plant based vegan recipes refined sugar free recipes Apr 20, 2021
Mango Fruity - Additive Free | Preservative Free
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: No Cooking Involced
Servings: 2-3 Servings

This recipe is a classic example of how choosing a healthy lifestyle doesn't mean sacrificing your food preferences. For mothers who often get stuck between choosing a healthy drink option vs. the child’s craving for strategically advertised fruit juices, this recipe is a great respite! Yes, kid’s favourite Mango Fruity homemade, no-preservatives, no-colours and fresh version! You may end up stockingthisregularly in your fridge all of mango season!


  • Ripe mangoes: 2 (cleaned and chopped)
  • Raw mango: 1 (cleaned and chopped)
  • Fresh cold water: 1 liter
  • Honey: 4-5 spoons (or 1/4 cup of date paste). Adjust as per taste


  • In a pan, take ½ litre of water, add the chopped mangoes together in the water and cook for 10 min.
  • The mangoes will soften and blend well with water. Remove the excess water if any using a strainer
  • Allow the mangoes to cool for few minutes.
  • Now, blend the cooked mango with honey or dates syrup in a blender.
  • Once you get a paste like consistency, remove from blender and filter the mango with a strainer.
  • Strainer removes any pulp in the mango fruity.
  • Now add remaining ½ litre water to the mango fruity and dilute it as per the needed consistency.
  • Add ice cubes and serve chill.

You can store this mango juice for 2-3 days in refrigerator.

Eating Guide:

Food group : Fruits (raw)
Raw fruits are great for your digestive health. They are digested faster than any other food group. Whole fruits provide a lot of much needed fiber, while juicing or straining causes some of the fiber to be lost. But then to add variety, we often do smoothies and juices too.
Best time to eat: Can have this chilled, summer refresher any time of the day. However, it is important to note that fruits should not be mixed with cooked foods! And should be eaten only about 2 hours after a meal.

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