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Malabar Coconut Juice - Refined sugar-free

fruit juices & smoothies healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes oil-free recipes plant-based vegan recipes Apr 09, 2020
Malabar Coconut Juice - Refined sugar-free
Prep Time: 05 minutes
Cook Time: No Cooking Involved
Servings: 1 Serving

The first time I knew you could have a coconut juice was a few years ago when I moved to Kerala. Juice shops here that sell tender coconut also give you the option of having the tender coconut as a blended juice where the malai/ the tender coconut kernel is blended with sugar, ice cubes and flavouring, converting it into a juice, rather than plain tender coconut water. Do try the adapted version of the same.


  • Tender coconut: 1 no
  • Jaggery powder/ coconut sugar: to taste (optional)
  • Vanilla extract: ½ tsp (optional)


  • Transfer the tender coconut water into a container.
  • Remove the malai/ meat from the coconut shell.
  • Blend the malai with the desired amount of jaggery or coconut sugar until smooth
  • Add tender coconut water and vanilla essence and blend.
  • Serve immediately.

Wellcure tip

  • The need to use a sweetener depends on how sweet the tender coconut water is and how sweet one wants it.
  • You can completely skip the flavouring and sweetener and just blend the malai with the water and enjoy the natural flavor.
  • You can try blending a couple of mint leaves in place of using vanilla.

Eating guide

  • Food group : Fruits (fresh)
  • Best time to eat: mornings as part of the first meal. Can be eaten as an evening snack too.
  • Great way to hydrate the body naturally.
  • Do remember to eat your fruits alone, not mixed with meals.

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