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Makhana Munchies

dairy-free recipes healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes oil-free recipes plant-based vegan recipes snacks recipes Aug 16, 2018
Makhana Munchies
Prep Time: No Preparation Involved
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Servings: 2 Persons

Makhanas (fox nuts, lotus seeds) are the perfect healthy office snack. Stock them at your workplace!! This is also our go-to-carry snacks for the kids. Whether a trip to mall, or an evening out in park, this is a handy snack equally enjoyed by kids.


  • Makhanas: 100 gms
  • Cold pressed coconut oil: 1tsp
  • Curry leaves: 5-6
  • Rock salt & black pepper – as per taste


  • Put coconut oil in a pan, let it heat.
  • Wash curry leaves in water. Roast them in a separate pan till they become totally dry & crunchy.
  • Crush the dried curry leaves & add them to the heated coconut oil.
  • Add makhanas, mix well & cook till the makhanas turn golden brown & crunchy.
  • Add salt & black pepper.

Your calcium rich makhana munchies are ready!! Healthalicious indeed ☺

Eating Guide:

Food group: Seeds
Seeds hold life in them! They are nature’s way of giving us natural oils and fats
Rich in calcium, makhanas should be added to kids intake liberally to meet their growth needs.
Can have as an evening snack or to satisfy your cravings for namkeen.

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