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Litchi Lemonade - kids love it

dairy free recipes fruit juices & smoothies healing recipes healthy drinks healthy recipes kids friendly recipes oil free recipes plant based vegan recipes refined sugar free recipes Jun 27, 2019
Litchi Lemonade - kids love it
Prep Time: 25  minutes
Cook Time: No Cooking Involved
Servings: 3 Servings

Summers is the time when nature’s bounty brings in this sweet, juicy fruit - Litchi or Lychee! Litchi is loved for its sweet, soft pulp especially by the kids. You could easily transform their favourite fruit into a refreshing drink as your ally to transition from cold drinks or packaged juices this summer.

Get some in-season, ripe litchis to blend them into a different version of lemonade. Enjoy this healthalicious drink with your family! Do serve chilled!


  • Litchi fruit: 12-15
  • Water: 3.5 cups (at room temperature or chilled)
  • Lemon: 1 large or 2 medium sized
  • Honey: 2-3 tsp
  • Mint leaves: a few for garnishing (optional)
  • Lemon slices for garnishing (optional)
  • Few ice cubes (optional)


  • Wash and remove the outerskin of the litchis.
  • Remove the fleshy puly using your hand and discard the seeds.
  • Place the pulp in a blender and blend to make a smooth puree of the litchis.
  • Tiny unblended bits and pieces are alright in the puree.
  • In a jar, mix the litchi puree, lemon juice, water and honey and mix well.
  • Pour the litchi lemonade in glasses topped with some ice cubes
  • Serve litchi lemonade immediately.
  • While serving, you can also garnish with few sprigs of mint leaves or lemon slices.

Eating guide

  • Food group: Fruit
  • Can be had during afternoons, evenings or even mornings or mid-mornings.
  • Apt for the summer season when Litchi is in season, and when you crave something cold. Makes for a great drink post work out.
  • You can add mint and ice to add onto the taste.

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