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Lemon Coriander Soup - Quick-to-do & Easy

dairy-free recipes healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes oil-free vegetable stew recipes plant-based vegan recipes soups recipes Aug 18, 2019
Lemon Coriander Soup - Quick-to-do & Easy
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes
Servings: 2-3 Servings

A quick 10 minute soup to fill your hunger pangs. The simple flavours of this soup makes it a lovely one to have even during summers (but with different seasonal veggies).The one below is great for warming your winters.


  • Beans:½ cup (finely chopped)
  • Carrot:½ cup (finely chopped)
  • Cabbage:½ cup (finely chopped)
  • Sweet Corn:¼ cup (pre-boiled). If you do not have pre-boiled, throw in some directly into the soup
  • Green onions:2 pieces - finely chopped (keep some for garnishing)
  • Garlic:3-4 pods finely chopped
  • Lemon juice:2 lemons
  • Hot Water:2 -3 cups
  • Rock salt to taste
  • Black pepper to taste (we prefer lots of it)


  • Garlic – 7-8 pods. Slice thinly and stir fry in little cold pressed oil till they are brown and leave aroma
  • Coriander – lots of it (1/2 to 1 cupfinely chopped)
  • Chopped green onions
  • Roasted peanuts or roasted amaranth (optional)


  • Salt the onions and garlic in a bowl and leave for a while (This ways you do not need oil to fry them).
  • Warm up a pan.
  • Put in the onion and garlic.
  • Stir till brown.
  • Add other vegetables (keep boiled corn for last).
  • Stir for some more time.
  • Add half of the coriander.
  • Don’t over cook – as veggies need to be crunchy.
  • Add in water and give one boil.
  • Add in salt and pepper.
  • Add lemon juice at the end (taste the broth to balance).
  • Switch off the gas – as you don’t want to overcook the veggies.
  • Serve in soup ceramic bowls (yeah your best-looking ones!).
  • Garnish with sautéed garlic, more coriander and chopped green onions and roasted peanuts (optional)
  • Taste-test for lemon flavor and balance of salt.

Slurp up!!

Wellcure Tip: You could choose to add rice glass noodles to the soup. Simply put the rice glass noodles in hot water for 2 minutes, drain and add!

Eating guide

  • Food group: vegetables
  • Veggies, are loaded with enzymes and high water content.
  • They aid in digestion and act as a daily dose of vitamins and minerals.
  • Steaming or light cooking the veggies ensure you are able to retain the enzymes and the nourishment - making it easier for the body to complete its nutritional profile intake.
  • You can have lemon coriander soup when you have a craving for something hot to sip on a winter evening.
  • Could be clubbed with a salad of choice.

Image courtesy for title pic:

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