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Lauki Celery Soup - Nutty Flavour, Loved By Kids

dairy-free recipes healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes oil-free recipes plant-based vegan recipes refined-sugar recipes soups recipes vegetable juice recipes Aug 17, 2020
Lauki Celery Soup - Nutty Flavour, Loved By Kids
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Servings: 2-3 Servings

Another favourite nutty soup. Can be easily given to toddlers. We were surprised that our own fussy toddlers seemed to enjoy this soup.If vegetables are cooked too long they lose their enzymes & nutrition. Thus we usually steam the veggies where needed, and do not pressure cook. Incase you do not have a steamer worry not, cut the veggies, add very little water and allow to boil/ steam in a wok with lid covered. Use the water in the soup.


  • Bottle Gourd (lauki): 1 (medium size)
  • Celery stalk : 1 stick (optional). You can use coriander or Basil or even mint
  • Pepper : per taste (we prefer lots of it towards the end!)
  • Rock Salt : per taste


  • Cut & steam bottlegourd & celery.
  • Cool & put in a mixie.
  • Blend well.
  • Transfer to pan.
  • Add celery stalk & water.
  • Give one boil.
  • Add salt & crushed pepper and switch off.


Eating Guide:

Food group : vegetables and nuts.
Often we use dairy in soups to give creamy flavour. However, dairy is difficult to digest and should not be combined with other food groups such as grains, or non veg. Read more on dairy here.

Nuts are nature’s body builders, providing the growth and repair material to our bodies and so a must-take for kids.They can be combined easily with other food groups.So add nut paste in your soups, instead of dairy for taste bhi health bhi!

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