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Kokum Sherbet - No Added Colours, No Preservatives, No Sugar

drinks healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes plant-based vegan recipes refined-sugar recipes Jul 09, 2020
Kokum Sherbet - No Added Colours, No Preservatives, No Sugar
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook Time: No Cooking Involved
Servings: 2 Servings

Kokum sherbet is a great summer cooler. Certainly a healthier replacement to aerated drinks or packaged juices to keep you hydrated and cool in summers. It can easily be prepared at home and even stored in the fridge for convenience / later use. Loved for its sweet and tangy taste kokum sherbet is a sure shot hit with all age groups! This refreshing drink also helps improve digestion.

While Kokum Sherbet mixes are also available easily in the market, nothing can beat the taste, texture and aroma of this fresh and natural kokum sherbet prepared in your own kitchen.


  • Kokum fruits: 2 cups (fresh, chopped or dry kokums)
  • Water: 3 cups
  • Honey or date syrup: 6-8 tsp
  • Cardamoms: 5-6 (powdered and crushed)
  • Black salt: a pinch (optional)
  • Roasted cumin seeds powder:1 tsp


  • Rinse the kokum fruit thoroughly, chopand remove seeds.
  • Keep the pulp and the outer cover.
  • Grind the fruit and pulp with little water.
  • Strain the whole kokum mixture
  • Add 6-8 tsps of honey or dates syrup to the strained kokum fruit.
  • Add the roasted cumin seeds powder and cardamom powder.
  • Mix well and store the juice in a jar or bottle and refrigerate.
  • When serving, dissolve 1 or 2 tbsp of the juice in one glass of water.
  • Add ice cubes and serve chilled kokum juice.

Know More

If using dried kokum peels, use the following method:

  • Rinse the dry kokum and soak in 2 cups of water,for 3-4 hours.
  • Collect the kokum in a blender and reserve the water.
  • Grind them with some of the reserved water to smooth mixture. Strain and keep this aside.
  • Add 6-8 tspof honey or dates syrup to the kokum mixture.
  • Add the roasted cumin seeds powder and cardamom powder
  • Mix well and store the juice in a jar or bottle and refrigerate

Eating Guide

  • Food Group: Fruits
  • Kokum is a great substitute for aerated drinks or packaged juices to keep you cool in summers.
  • You can have at any time of the day. Remember not to ix with cooked meals.

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