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Kerala Spiced Buttermilk - No Dairy Chaas

dairy substitute recipe dairy-free recipes healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes oil-free recipes plant-based vegan recipes Jul 03, 2020
Kerala Spiced Buttermilk - No Dairy Chaas
Prep Time: 05 minutes
Cook Time: No Cooking Involved
Servings: 5-6 Servings

Heavy Kerala meals are always washed down with a buttermilk recipe, (known as sambharam) which is a lot like the north Indian chaas. The recipe uses a lot of water to dilute the curd and therefore keeps it light and hence can be consumed often during the day. Hydrating is the key to keep cool during summers. It’s a great summer cooler with the right amount to zing. Chaas/buttermilk is usually made using dairy curd this one is made of Dairy free curd. No cook, quick to make.


  • Peanut curd: 1 cup
  • Water:4 cups
  • Ginger: ½ inch
  • Green chilli: 2 nos
  • Curry leaves: 1 sprig
  • Lemon leaves: few leaves
  • Shallots: 2-3 (peeled)
  • Rock Salt: to taste


  • Roughly crush ginger, chilli, curry leaves, shallots, lemon leaves.
  • Blend the curd with the water in a mixie jar.
  • Add the crushed ingredients and salt to the curd and water mix.
  • Chill in refrigerator.
  • The flavours infuse into the buttermilk if made a few hours before serving.
  • Serve garnished with a few lemon leaves or curry leaves.

Eating guide

  • Food group: Nuts
  • Fermented peanut milk contains good bacteria to help the gut flora.
  • Buttermilk can be served before a meal, during a meal or just as a thirst quencher any time during a hot summer day.
  • Reduce the green chilli quantity if you don’t want it to be pungent.

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