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Kapuriya - steamed snack

healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes oil-free recipes plant-based vegan recipes refined-sugar recipes snacks recipes Apr 23, 2020
Kapuriya - steamed snack
Prep Time: 45 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Servings: 2 Servings

Kapuriya is a very common traditional snack from Gujarat. Somewhat similar to a dhokla but differs mainly because this can be made and served immediately unlike a dhokla where the batter needs fermentation.

The flour mix can be made and stored in bigger quantities so that it helps you to make the dish whenever you want it.


  • Rice: ½ cup
  • Toor dal: ¼ cup
  • Chana dal: 1/8 cup
  • Water 1.5 cups
  • Green peas: ½ cup
  • Ginger : 1 inch
  • Green chili: 2 nos
  • Garlic: 5 cloves
  • Coriander leaves ¼ cup(chopped)
  • Coriander powder: ½ tsp
  • Cumin powder: ½ tsp
  • Turmeric powder: 1 tsp
  • Mustard seeds: ½ tsp
  • Peanuts: 2 tbsp
  • Sesame seeds: 1 tbsp
  • Curry leaves: 1 sprig
  • Rock salt to taste


  • In a dry mixie jar place the rice, toor dal and chana dal and powder until you have a rough flour like powder. More like sooji/ semolina and keep aside.
  • Make a paste of ginger garlic and green chili.
  • Heat a pan, dry roast peanuts. Once roasted, add mustard seeds and dry roast until they splutter. Add to it sesame seeds and roast until they begin to pop.
  • Add curry leaves, ginger, garlic green chili paste and green peas and sauté for a couple of minutes.
  • Add measured water, coriander powder, cumin powder, turmeric powder, coriander leaves, and rock salt to taste and bring to a boil.
  • When the water boils, reduce the flame and add the powdered mix and stir well and ensure to break all lumps.
  • Cover and cook for 3-4 mins on low flame until all the water is well absorbed.
  • Mix well and taste to adjust seasonings. Remove from flame. Allow the kapuriya dough to cool for a while.
  • Make balls of the kapuriya dough and place them in a steamer. You could also flatten to shape them into tikkis.
  • Steam for around 20-25 mins.
  • Serve hot with green chutney.

Wellcure tip:

  • Traditionally fresh green toor dal is used, which I have replaced with fresh green peas.

Eating Guide:

  • Food group: grains and lentils
  • Can be served as a meal with vegetables and dips or chutneys.
  • Lentils add to the protein content making it a complete meal.

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