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Jackfruit Softy - Natural, Dairy-Free, Sugar-Free

dairy-free recipes desserts recipes healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes plant-based vegan recipes refined-sugar recipes Jul 07, 2020
Jackfruit Softy - Natural, Dairy-Free, Sugar-Free
Prep Time: 23 Hours
Cook Time: No Cooking Involved
Servings: 1 Serving

A softy always meant a creamy milky dessert loaded with artificial flavours and refined sugars.

This refreshing fruity, natural, dairy-free, sugar-free, hassle free recipe will sweep you off your feet. Fruits are the most ideal foods to start the day with since they are easy to digest and very hydrating.

Just two ingredients! Easy to make, extremely kid- friendly they can make it themselves! It’s a great breakfast option or to cater to the odd- hour- hunger -pangs.


  • Ripe Sweet Jackfruit: 6 nos. (seeded and frozen)
  • Dates: 4-6 nos (seeded)


  • Clean the jackfruit and remove the seeds. Cut and freeze them in an airtight container for 24 hrs or more.
  • Make a pulp of date and add the frozen jackfruit pieces and blend.
  • Blend for a while until you see it all creamy and fluffy(2-3 mins)
  • Transfer to a bowl and serve immediately.
  • It can also be stored in the freezer and served when required.

Wellcure Tip: If you find it difficult to blend frozen jackfruit you may add a few teaspoons of coconut milk to facilitate blending.

Eating guide:

  • Food group: Fruits
  • Best time to eat: mornings as breakfast or first meal. Can be eaten as evening snacks
  • Great way to up fruits for kids
  • Remember to eat alone and not mixed with meals

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