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Home Made Mango Pickle

dips recipes healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes oil-free recipes pickles plant-based vegan recipes Jul 08, 2020
Home Made Mango Pickle
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook Time: No Cooking Involved
Servings: 2 persons for a week

Pickles are part of our traditional cultural hand-me-down wisdom on how to preserve foods naturally! Unfortunately, with the commercialization, pickles are no more your healthful side dishes. Market bought pickles are:

  • high on chemical salt
  • high refined oil
  • have additives & preservatives
  • stabilizers
  • acid regulators

It is infact a toxic overload on our bodies! If you love your pickles, best is to go back to basics.
Here is a quick 15 minute oil free recipe for our favorite mango pickle.


  • Raw Mangoes 3-4

For the seasoning:

  • Dry mango powder (amchur ): 2 tbsp
  • Red chilly powder: 1 tbsp
  • Turmeric powder: 1 tbsp
  • Mustard seeds (sarson): 3 tbsp
  • Fennel seeds (saunf): 1 tbsp
  • Fenugreek seeds (methi dana): 1 tbsp
  • Carom seeds (ajwain): 1 tbsp
  • Nigella seeds (kalonji): 2 tsp
  • Sendha namak: per taste

Tempering (optional)

  • Curry leaves: 2 sprigs
  • Methi seeds: 1 tsp
  • Dry red chillies: 2-3


Seasoning (Masala Mix): Store in Jar for future use and reduce your prep time to under 10 minutes!

  • Put all the seasoning in a blender.
  • Blend coarsely (Tip: Store in a jar for future use).
  • Wash the mangoes.
  • Chop with skin on.
  • Remove the inner seed.
  • Mix the chopped mangoes with the seasoning.
  • Add some dry roasted tempering (Optional) -Curry leaves+ Methi seeds+ dry red chillies. Dry roast in wok and add on top.
  • Keep in fridge; Stays 3-5 days; Make fresh each week with stored seasoning.

Eating Guide:

Food group: Vegetable
Can be eaten with other food groups (except fruits) and with meals
Raw mango can be added to vegetable juices or raw salad.

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