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Fudgy Healthy Chocolate Squares – No Sugar, No Maida, No Dairy!

cakes & bakes dairy-free recipes healing recipes healthy recipes oil-free recipes plant-based vegan recipes refined-sugar recipes Feb 05, 2021
Fudgy Healthy Chocolate Squares – No Sugar, No Maida, No Dairy
Prep Time: 05 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes
Servings: 5 Servings

Love chocolatey delights, but refrain from commercially available ones because of all the un-natural & processed additions! Then this recipe might be a great option for you to explore. Try making chocolate squares at home using healthy ingredients from your own kitchen!


  • Date: 2 cups (soaked)
  • Cashews or Almonds:1 cup (soaked)
  • Cacao powder:½ cup
  • Ragi or Jowar flour:½cup
  • Water:½to 1 cup
  • Baking soda:½tsp


  • Blend all ingredients into a thick paste.
  • Spread it on a baking sheet around 1.5 cms thick.
  • Bake at 180 degrees for 15 mins.

Wellcure tips:

  • You can reduce the amount of flour by replacing half of it with sweet potato.
  • You can make it decorative by making an icing paste of cashews, cacao powder, dates paste and spread it on the fudge before cutting.
  • Decorate with nuts soaked in sweet orange juice or some dried figs, apricots or dry coconut flakes.

Eating Guide:

  • This recipe uses healthy ingredients, unlike the store-bought items. Offer to your kids as a dessert or snack without any worries!
  • Do remember to have in moderation and not over-do!

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