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Fruit Chuskee

desserts recipes healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes plant-based vegan recipes refined-sugar recipes Jun 19, 2020
Fruit Chuskee
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: No Cooking Involved
Servings: 1-2 Servings

Delight the child in you. You can do a fruit lolly with just about any fruit! All you need is fresh seasonal fruit + water+ chunky pieces + lemon & some mint and voila you are done. Honey can be optional. Some great combos:

  • Watermelon + mint + lemon
  • Pineapple + pineapple pieces
  • Mango + Pomegranate pieces
  • Simple lemonade + raw mango pieces
  • Anaar juice + pineapple juice
  • Aam panna + mint leaves
  • Keenu + grapes (Winter season)

Your sure shot way to get the adults and kids excited alike! You could begin with paper glasses or even ice trays or invest in low cost moulds. 
You can also do in regular ice cubes or small glasses. Can use any juicy fruit. Turns out best with pineapple or mango or melons!


  • Watermelon: 1 half
  • Mint leaves: 4-5
  • lemon juice: 3-4 drops
  • Honey (optional)


  • Cut watermelon.
  • Deseed.
  • Add mint leaves and few drops of lemon.
  • Blend in mixie.
  • Add honey (Optional).
  • Put in the mould. Add some chunky pieces too.

Eating guide:

  • Food group: Fruits
  • Best time to have: early morning before any cooked / grain meal or in evening as snack.
  • These are great ways to up the fruit intake of your child.

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