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Dal Free Sambar

dairy-free recipes healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes oil-free recipes oil-free vegetable stew recipes plant-based vegan recipes Feb 16, 2022
Dal Free Sambar
Prep Time: 15 Hours
Cook Time: 20 Hours
Servings: 2 Servings

Sambar is a much loved south indian staple.

But a heavy dal sambar along with rice and other accompaniments becomes very heavy and unhealthy. Instead, opt for this dal free sambar. It is still as tasty with pumpkin adding to the creaminess of the sambar, Other starchy veggies like sweet potato, yams etc can also be used as a base for this sambar.


  • ½ cup pumpkin chopped
  • 1 cup finely cut veggies like beans, carrots etc
  • 1 tsp sambar powder
  • 1 small sized tamarind
  • 1/4 cup ground fresh coconut (optional)
  • Coriander leaves for decoration
  • Mustard seeds, red chillies for tempering


  • Soak tamarind in water for 15 mins and extract the juice
  • Steam pumpkin and puree
  • Steam other veggies, do not overcook
  • Boil the tamarind extract with turmeric powder till raw smell is gone
  • Add pumpkin puree and other veggies, sambar powder, ground coconut paste, salt and give a gentle boil
  • Do dry tempering without oil and add to the sambar
  • Garnish with coriander leaves

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