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Dairy-Free & Sugar-Free Kheer with Sama Rice

dairy free recipes dessert recipes gluten free recipes healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes millet recipes oil free recipes plant based vegan recipes sama recipes Aug 26, 2020
Dairy-Free & Sugar-Free Kheer with Sama Rice
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes
Servings: 2-3 persons

Millets are great replacements for our staple grains of rice & wheat. They lend a huge variety to our palate, are easier to digest, and fill our mental ‘need’ for grains for a filling meal. Here we have used the vrat ke chawal, barnyard millet also known as Sama chawal. This millet can replace rice in your usual meal, in dosa-idli batters and here in dessert in place of rice!

To know where to order millets in NCR, Click Here.

  • Coconut milk: 4 cups
  • Sama Rice: ½ cup
  • Jaggery powder or syrup: ½ cup (or per taste)
  • Nuts for garnishing

  • Wash the sama rice thoroughly with water.
  • Take sama rice and coconut milk in a steel wok and heat them up till the milk begins to boil.
  • Reduce to low flame and simmer the mixture till sama rice is completely cooked. This should take about 10-15 minutes. Remember to keep stirring at regular intervals.
  • Switch off the flame at desired consistency and let the kheer mixture cool down completely.
  • Once at room temperature, add jaggery powder to it and mix well. (Adding jaggery powder while the mixture is still hot can cause the milk to curdle).
  • Alternately, you could add jaggery syrup to the kheer mix while still hot.
  • Taste test for sweetness
  • Garnish with nuts and serve hot or set in fridge to cool
  • Enjoy your healthful kheer guiltfree!

Eating Guide:
  1. Food group: Nut + Millet
  2. This can be eaten after a meal or as a snack in the evening.
  3. It can even act as a full meal, especially for kids.

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