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Crispy potato Chips - homemade, oil-free

baking healthy healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes oil free recipes plant based vegan recipes snacks recipes Apr 28, 2020
Crispy potato Chips - homemade, oil-free
Prep Time: 08 Hours
Cook Time: 01 Hour
Servings: 2 Servings

Who does not love crunchy potato chips? I am sure anyone can relish them at any time of the day. However, most of us refrain from investing in these unhealthy options because of the toxins they bring along into the body such as refined oils that are old and has been used over and over again for frying or it can be branded chips which has a whole new set of ingredients in addition to the oil,most of which we hardly know of.

This baked chips is oil-free and has nothing but unrefined salt in it. Its a relatively healthier option when compared to the store-bought ones.


  • 2 large potatoes
  • Unrefined salt
  • Potato slicer or sharp knife


  • Peel all the potatoes and soak them in salt-water overnight so that they absorb the salty taste
  • Using a potato chips slicer, make the raw chips. Alternatively, you can use your cutting skills using a sharp knife and make as thin potato slices as possible
  • Preheat the oven to 180 deg C
  • Line a baking tray with parchment paper
  • Arrange the chips next to each other without overlaps
  • Bake on 2 rods for around 10 mins. Observe as the chips turn golden brown. Each oven is different. Hence keep a watch on them
  • Once they are baked, remove the tray, let it rest for 1 min, slowly remove the chips from the tray. Line them again with the next batch. Like this bake all the chips in batches.
  • Although this might seem like it takes 10 mins per batch, its healthy and kids will be as happy as eating the chips from the market.

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