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Creamy Coconut Gazpacho Soup (Natural Cold Soup / Smoothie)

dairy free recipes healing recipes healthy recipes oil free recipes plant based vegan recipes soup recipes vegetable juice recipes May 10, 2021
Creamy Coconut Gazpacho Soup (Natural Cold Soup / Smoothie)
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: No Cooking Required
Servings: 1-2 Servings

Helps to clear stomach ulcers and indigestion

Improves gut and intestinal health


  1. Coconut  milk- 1 cup
  2. Tender coconut malai (medium thick)- 1/4 cup ( chopped finely ) 
  3. Tender coconut malai for grinding- 2 tbsp 
  4. Soaked cashew finely chopped - 1/4 cup
  5. Soaked cashew for grinding- 2 tbsp
  6. dates paste - 3 tsp ( or as per taste ) 

(alternative for dates paste - organic jaggery)


  1. In a mixie, puree coconut milk, soaked cashew and coconut malai to smooth consistency.
  2. Take it out and pour it in an earthen pot. Now add date paste and mix together .
  3. Add chopped coconut malai and chopped cashews.
  4. Serve after 1 to 2 hours. Leaving in an earthen pot, the drink will cool down naturally. You can skip this step if you don't have earthen pot.

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