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Colour my Plate!

health blog health blog vegetables health blogfruits Dec 30, 2024
Colour my Plate!

We have been eating the same type of food with the same ingredients consumed with different types of pieces of bread. We need to think about how much variety is present in the food we are eating and what we are missing out on!

We all know that the type of food we are having has a direct effect on our body.

“Every human being is born with innate faith, which can be of three kinds—sattvic (mode of goodness), rajasic (mode of passion), or tamasic (mode of ignorance). And the quality of our faith is decided by the nature of our mind. The faith of all humans conforms to the nature of their mind. All people possess faith, and whatever the nature of their faith, that is verily what they are.”

This verse shows that we are highly influenced by the kind of food we are eating and in turn affectsthe people we are becoming.

Colour my plate is more about adding different colours to your daily routine in the name of fruits and vegetables and diversify your diet and routine to get more nutritive value out of them.

Here is the list of alternatives which are easily found but less consumed and are loaded with nutrition.


Getting a change from your regular moong dal is what you need - time to add something more nutritious and enhancing. This doesn’t mean that we stop eating moong dal but it is time to enhance our taste buds with more varieties. Cowpea is richer in iron than our regular dals.

It can be easily found at any grocery store, we generally do not make it a part of our grocery list but it is something which is loaded with minerals. Copper, iron is something which is required in our body in small quantities but if missing we get affected.

Vitamins are something which is needed in our body at a very good quantity as it is needed in for overall growth and development. Cowpea is a primary source of vitamins like thiamine and folate.

It is time to make cowpea part of our routine.


The main function of phosphorus in our body is to take care of bones, gums, and teeth by making it healthy.

Amaranth is easily found at local stores, which a very good source of phosphorus, it also has high nutritive value with manganese and iron which improves our brain health and blood circulation. Amaranth can also add more shades to our green but also makes a difference in our carbohydrates diet with a lot of fibre.

Yelakki Bananas

Commonly known as ‘elaichi kela’, for all those body pain and unwanted swelling.

Potassium and sodium if taken from right sources helps in treating our muscles well and keep our heart healthy. For high blood pressure too, yelakki bananas taken during breakfast time is a really good idea to increase potassium content. It is a very good snack for diabetics.

Sweet potatoes.

Why should we make an effort to change our regular potatoes with sweet potatoes?

Sweet potatoes have become a very important part of our Indian diet but it is still heavily neglected. The best part about sweet potatoes is it helps in treating diabetes and inflammation and has an overall good effect.

It can be easily consumed and can be found at any local store. Sweet potatoes are high in Vitamin A and so for the kids who are now getting addicted to gadgets, this is something which will help them to protect their eyes.

Red cabbage

Making our regular green cabbage vegetable can be replaced with our purple ones to add a new variety of healthy vegetable in your diet.

Vitamin K helps in our body to clot blood, whenever we suffer from any kind of injury. Vitamin K helps in making our blood vessels stronger which helps in treating any kind of blood disorder.

Red cabbage is a very good source of Vitamin K and as it contains a good amount of fibre in it., it helps in treating digestive issues.

Mushroom and Lotus stem

Addition of brown vegetables in your diet is a big change we can make. Phytonutrients are part of brown vegetables which helps in treating diseases like cancer, auto-immune diseases like psoriasis

Lotus stem helps in improving our Vitamin C levels and at the same time makes our body ready to fight all the viral infections. It is rich in Vitamins and it is a beautiful source of making our hair and skin shinier and healthier. Lotus stem helps in protection of our red blood cells and keeps our heart healthy and lungs free from disease.

The cases of the thyroid are at rising, selenium is one such mineral which makes our thyroid function works smoothly by keeping in sync. Mushroom is high in selenium and available easily. Selenium helps in reducing antibodies and protecting our immunity and mushroom is a very good source of it. Time to add it in our daily routine.

Cluster Beans

Cluster beans is a good replacement of the commonly used French beans and peas.

The gum made from cluster beans is very helpful in case of our bones and it makes the bone healthier and stronger and helps in regulation our glucose levels that is why it should be added in every diabetics' diet.

For a kid who is developing their bone structure to the geriatric age group to preserve the degeneration of bones, this is something which should be made part of our dietary routine.


Beetroot is something which will give a new colour to our regular cucumber and tomato salad. This beautiful reddish-pink colour is an add-on to improve blood circulation.

A rich source of folic acid and iron, it is time to add beetroot in our daily salad list. For your little one who is getting their teeth, you can boil them and help in getting the best of their health and increase their immunity.

Beetroot can play multiple roles, in a salad, in juices or in dips. Time to enjoy the benefits of it.

Buckwheat Flour

Buckwheat flour is a good replacement for our regular rice and wheat - high in fibre and low in glycemic index, it helps in regulating blood sugar.

It is grown in the northern and northeastern part of India, and easily available there. It is time to add it to bring a variety to our regular roti.

Try them out!

Now is the time to make your plate more colourful and healthier, it is time to load up on these colourful alternatives with great benefits and make yourself stronger and happier.

Some recipes for you to try

(About Dr Khushbu Suthar:I am a Homeopathic Practitioner with specialization in Diet Planning and Nutrition from Mumbai. I hold a degree in Clinical Hypnotherapy, and by amalgamating these three, my aim in life is to research on mind, Body and Soul. Flamboyant colours of vegetables and Vivid Psychology of Human mind is what enchants me. An avid explorer of healing now practising in Bikaner is learning to get the best of both beaches and dunes)

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