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Beetroot Halwa

dairy-free recipes dessert recipes desserts recipes healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes oil-free recipes plant-based vegan recipes refined-sugar recipes Dec 14, 2018
Beetroot Halwa
Prep Time: 30 Minutes
Cook Time: No Cooking Involved
Servings: 2-3 Servings

This is a raw form of halwa. Yes! No cooking involved. For many, raw halwa may be novel idea but it surely is a great way to up the intake of raw veggies and nuts. This sure tastes as good as the cooked version.


  • Beetroot: 2
  • Honey or Jaggery: 3-4 tsp
  • White coconut shredded: ¼ cup
  • Cardamom powder: 1 tsp
  • Nuts of your choice: ¼ cup (Almond, Cashews, or crushed peanuts)


  • Clean the beets and finely chop in chopper.
  • Remove the extra water from the chopped beetroot.
  • Mix honey, nuts and chopped beetroot together.
  • If the above mix is little lose then add coconut powder on it.
  • Mix well. Press into a steel plate or container. Refrigerate the mix for a while.
  • Delicious beetroot halwa is ready to serve!

Eating guide:

  • Food group: Nuts & Veggies
  • Best time to eat: After or as part of a meal. These 2 food groups can be combined with other food groups easily, except that of fruit.Or in evening as snack.

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