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Banana Peanut Butter Chocolate Ice Cream

dairy-free recipes desserts recipes healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes plant-based vegan recipes refined-sugar recipes Jun 01, 2020
Banana Peanut Butter Chocolate Ice Cream
Prep Time: 12 hours
Cook Time: No Cooking Involved
Servings: 2 Servings

All summer-time desserts end up having refined sugars or dairy or both. Here’s a creamy frozen dessert that’s absolutely natural, sweetened with dates. Dairy-free, kid-friendly.


  • Ripe bananas: 4 nos
  • Peanut Butter: 2 tbsp
  • Dates: 6 nos
  • Cacao powder: 2 tbsp
  • Rock salt: ¼ tsp


  • Peel bananas,slice and freeze for 6 hours.
  • Make a pulp of the dates. Add the banana slices in a blender. Puree banana slices.
  • Puree until the mixture is creamy and smooth.
  • Add the salt, peanut butter and cacao powder and puree to combine.
  • Serve immediately for soft-serve ice cream consistency.
  • If you prefer harder ice cream, place in the freezer for a few hours and then serve.

Wellcure tip: Fruits frozen for a day or more to make for creamier desserts. Skip the dates in case you don’t want it too sweet.

Eating guide

  • Food group: fruits.
  • Ideally fruits are best eaten alone, however you can mix them when used as a treat, once in a while.

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