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Banana Chikoo & Apple Smoothie

dairy free recipes fruit juices & smoothies healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes plant based vegan recipes refined sugar free recipes Sep 08, 2020
Banana Chikoo & Apple Smoothie
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: no cooking time
Servings: 2-3 Servings

This recipe puts together two easily available and economical fruits (bananas and chikoos) along with apples to get a delicious healthful smoothie. We make all our fruit smoothies without milk, as adding two food groups with diverse digestion times is too heavy for our tummy.

Fruits, by themselves, are sweet in nature and do not need any additional sugar. Where you feel the need for added sweetness, just add dates.

This simple to do smoothie is loved by toddlers and kids alike. All you need to ensure is that you buy some fully ripe bananas and chikoos so that they are soft and sweet - Ah! You are all set to serve a NO added-sugar drink!


  • Apples: 2 medium sized (peeled, deseeded and chopped)
  • Bananas: 2 medium size (peeled and chopped )
  • Chikko: 2 medium sized (peeled, deseeded and chopped)
  • Honey/Datesfor sweetness(optional)
  • Water as per consistency


  • Blend the cut apple, banana and chikootogether in a mixie well.
  • Add water as per consistency and give it a blend one more time.
  • Mix some honey for sweetness if needed (optional).
  • We prefer to add soaked dates or dates paste for the added sweetness and energy kick in smoothies.

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