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Aam Panna (Raw Mango Drink) - Drink It Sugar Free

dairy-free recipes fruit juices healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes plant-based vegan recipes refined-sugar recipes smoothies Jul 10, 2020
Aam Panna (raw Mango Drink) - Drink It Sugar Free
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Servings: 2-3 Servings

Here’s a quick recipe of our own traditional mango drink - the aam panna. This is a cooling mango drink slightly sweet and sour to taste. A healthier option to beat the heat without any preservatives or sugar. We can tell you from experience at home, it is as much loved by the kids as much by adults. We have replaced the sugar with Jaggery or Dates paste to ensure its refined sugar free!


  • Raw Mangoes:3-4 (start small)
  • Jaggery powder:1/2 cup (More to taste)
  • Mint leaves:1/4 cup
  • Roasted jeera powder:3 tsp
  • Black(Kalanamak):to taste
  • Water: 5-6 glasses


  • Boil/steam mangoes as whole.
  • Remove skin and seed, extract pulp. Sieve once to remove any fiber.
  • Add with all other ingredients in a blender.
  • Blend well.
  • Store in a glass bottle in fridge.

When making a drink, adjust the water to taste and serve chilled.

Eating Guide:

Food group: Vegetables (Raw mango, falls in veggie category. Once ripe they are fruit category).
Summer drink.
Great refreshing way to stay cool internally in summers.

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