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A Tasty Way to Eat Natural Fats - Tender Coconut & Almonds Ice-cream

dairy-free recipes desserts recipes healing recipes healthy recipes kids friendly recipes plant-based vegan recipes refined-sugar recipes Aug 11, 2020
A Tasty Way to Eat Natural Fats - Tender Coconut & Almonds Ice-cream
Prep Time: 07 Hours
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Servings: 1-2 Servings

We may consider ‘Ice-creams’ as cheat meals in our daily routine, so may not go the extra length to the healthful version. However, enter kids, and our perception changes. The market bought versions have so many synthetic stabilizers, emulsifiers, preservatives and additives, that the question would be why not a healthful way!

Here is a simple version of Ice-cream. If you feel the icy-frozenness of the ice-cream is too much, you may add coconut milk or churn once in a mixer before resetting again.


  • Almonds: 25 (soaked for 5-6 hours)
  • Tender coconut: Remove the white of 1 full coconut and cut into pieces
  • Jaggery powder: as per taste (about 3-5 tsps)


  • After almonds are soaked, remove the skin, roast and then churn in mixer lightly.
  • Churn the coconut pieces as well.
  • Mix both coconut and the almond together. Add a bit of water if needed to grind to smooth paste
  • Add jaggery powder as per your taste
  • Add few crushed pieces of almond as topping and freeze
  • Remove from freezer and serve as ice cream

Eating Guide:

  • Food group: Nuts
  • Best time to eat: After meals. Can be combined with other food groups except fruits
  • Great way to up natural oils and fats for kids

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