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10 Natural Health Tips to stay healthy forever

health blog health blog habits Dec 26, 2024
10 Natural Health Tips to stay healthy forever

Small habits that you can start today to get in best state of your health. Try reading these once daily -

  1. Sun is the best doctor ever - Make it a point to soak some sunlight in morning or evening. Sun is the best doctor ever.
  2. Fasting sometimes – Start with 8pm to 8am fasting on some days, not that difficult to implement. This might do wonders to your health.
  3. Sleep early – around 10pm. Lie down on your bed and start reading a book if you are not able to sleep. Keep the phone & other electronics away.
  4. Eat fruits as a service to your long terms health - Keep a large bowl of your favourites fruits in your living room for daily visibility and pick a fruit every time you feel like munching.
  5. Reduce refined Sugar – Keep Jaggery handy in your kitchen or office cafe to replace white sugar.
  6. Reduce table Salt – Keep rock salt handy in your kitchen to replace table salt.
  7. Eat more Salads – Just keep adding number of salads you eat in a week. Even a regular peanut masala salad is good to start with. Reaching a state of only 2 cooked meals in a day is ideal.
  8. Eat more dry fruits and nuts (non-salted and fried) – Keep these handy in your kitchen & living room too.
  9. Reduce or Replace the Tea/Coffee/Milk intake – Start with replacing few intakes of tea/coffee with lemon, green or herbal tea. Check for herbal tea recipe on Wellcure.
  10. Reduce non-veg/animal food for some time - to notice the faster health improvement. Prefer eating veg whenever you can.

Pick one habit at a time, follow it for 10 days & then add the next. As you change your habits, your taste buds will change!! Which one you want to pick first, depends on you. Will say start with the easiest and then keep picking up more & more difficult ones.

Download the poster below and keep it on your desk, even having it in your daily view will help you implement these in your life once in a while.

It's the small steps that lead to big things!

All the best!

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