Fat to Fit LIVER, Naturally 

Recorded Program

Restore your Liver Health. Learn to Treat Fatty Liver Disease through a Healing Diet & Lifestyle
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‘Fatty Liver’ or Hepatic Steatosis happens when too much Fat builds up in the Liver


Though alcohol is considered a common culprit, 38% of Indians have non-alcoholic fatty liver disease ~ The Indian Express

A Key Reason for developing Fatty Liver Diseases is hidden in our Lifestyles

Diets rich in fast foods, low in nutritious natural foods, and inactive lifestyles have contributed vastly to the emergence of 'fatty liver disease'. Overuse of common OTC medicines can also contribute to liver damage.

Your Health Care Experts:

By Nature Cure Practitioner & Educator
  • Certified Whole Foods, Plant-Based Nutrition
  • Expert In Reversing Diseases Naturally 
By Holistic Nutritionist
  • Clinical Nutritionist
  • Masters in Nutrition & Dietetics

Program Price: INR 874/-

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This workshop will help you understand the causes, symptoms and the Natural Diet-Based Solutions to Heal Liver, and reverse the effects of ‘Fatty Liver’
This Workshop is for You, If You:

  • Are diagnosed with fatty liver
  • Have been on medications for fatty liver or related conditions
  • Have diabetes, obesity, insulin resistance, PCOD, High BP and are on high risk for developing fatty liver disease due to other health conditions
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Expected Results:

After following the diet  and lifestyle changes taught in the program, you can expect to have:
  • Reduce liver fat count
  • Lose stubborn weight (due to fatty liver)
  • Improve Energy 
  • Improve sleep quality
  • Relieve stress
  • Boost overall health

What Will You Learn?

Know all about liver and how it works?

How does fatty liver develops?

How to renew your liver health?

Liver rejuvenating diet, lifestyle and natural therapies

Program Schedule: 2 Zoom Sessions Recording

Program Session Day 1
Decode LIVER

Liver: A Factory within us 
  • Functions of the liver 
  • Capacity to regenerate
  • Bile and its role
  • Nutrient metabolism
Various Fatty Liver Conditions
  • Why is it increasing?
  • Hepatitis?
  • Non-alcoholic fatty liver?
  • Liver cirrhosis?
  • Enlarged liver
Gut and Liver Connection
  • Filtration through portal vein
  • Adjustments of various parameters
Program Session Day 2
Regenerate LIVER with a Natural Diet

Stubborn Weight & Liver 
  • Metabolic Syndrome
Do’s and Don’ts for a Healthy Liver
  • Processed foods
  • Role of sugar and alcohol
  • Heavy medications
  • Supplements
  • Liver cleanses - truth or danger?
Liver Rejuvenating Diet and Therapies

Program Price: INR 874/-

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2 Program Sessions with Experts

Liver Healing Plan (Diet, Lifestyle and Natural Therapies)


1-Year Access to Program Recording

Disclaimer: All our programs are based on diet and lifestyle changes, as per nature cure. The corrective measures and suggestions by our health experts may differ for different people, resulting in varying healing outcomes / health results, depending on a person's health condition, body type and health goals.