Learn to Make Smoothie Bowls & Desserts
Nutritious, Delicious & Easy to Whip up
Made with Fruits, Natural sugars & Nut-milks
Power-packed, healthy & tasty snack for everyone
Quick & simple recipes made with everyday ingredients

Kashish Amit
Vegan Chef & Culinary Expert, Founder of Happy Vegan
Faced with the problem of finding healthy alternatives to indulgent foods, & following her passion for a vegan lifestyle, fitness instructor Kashish Amit founded Happy Vegan in 2019. She believes that good, healthy food is the start for a change - for your & your family’s happiness & the environment.
Following this principle, Happy Vegan sources and produces only organic & eco-friendly products and recipes, with no-added-sugar. Their products are guilt-free, home-made, healthy, vegan & easily accessible - ranging from dips, sauces, dressings, to idli-dosa batters & brownies.
Healthy Smoothie Bowls Live + Dairy-Free ce Cream Recorded Workshop
INR 998/-
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Dairy-Free Ice-Cream Workshop
Best ways to make Healthy Dairy-Free Ice Creams at Home.
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Learn tips on how to make 100% Natural, Plant-Based Food colorings. Jazz up your smoothie bowls, mousse & other delicacies the way you want!
Program Highlights
Best ways to make Healthy Smoothie Bowls & Fruit Based Mousse Desserts
Right Ingredient Combinations
LIVE Demonstration of 7 Smoothie Bowl Recipes
Berry Rose Smoothie Bowl
Chocolate Peanut Butter Smoothie Bowl
Green Kiwi Smoothie Bowl
Pinacolada Smoothie Bowl
Apple Cinnamon Smoothie Bowl
Blueberry Smoothie Bowl
Banana Caramel Smoothie Bowl
Recipe E-Book with 10+ Recipes
Access to Workshop Recording for 1 Year

Remove the Snack Dilemma
There's nothing like a refreshing smoothie bowl to keeps those hunger pangs at bay between meals. It is also a healthy snack option for kids, & also re-fuel your right after a grueling workout.

Get Creative
You must have seen colorful, delicious & pretty pictures of smoothie bowls & healthy plant-based dessert jars on social media. It is time to learn how you would decorate your own smoothie bowl. Their toppings & texture set them apart from a smoothie in a glass or mousse dessert jars