
3-Day Online Fertility Retreat For Aspiring Moms

Take Your First Step To Motherhood

LIVE Program

26-28 July 2024 | 6-8 PM (IST)
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Your Fertility Coach

With Your Fertility Coach

Anchal Kapur

  • 5000+ Happy Moms
  • Lifestyle Medicine Coach (Hippocrates Health Institute, USA)
  • Natural Health Coach (IMANAH, USA)
  • Natural Fertility Expert

“Poor egg quality, low AMH, hormonal imbalance - when I had these in 2014, I felt very alone, I thought I was the only one suffering. But now as I help women meet their fertility goals, I realize these issues are no less than a pandemic! The number of women who are struggling to conceive is unimaginable. The good news is that there is a solution, the solution is readily available & it is highly effective. The solution is adopting Nature Cure, to follow a diet & lifestyle that adds life to your life” ~ Anchal Kapur

Maximize Your Chances of Having A Baby

Nurturing a life within you is a unique journey. This online retreat will help you learn all about how to:
Enhance your Fertility

Using 5 Natural Elements
Prepare your Body to Conceive & Nurture a New Life

Without any Medicines or Invasive Treatments
Naturally Overcoming Fertility Issues/ Challenges

PCOD, Low AMH, Poor Egg Quality, Fibroids, Advanced Age, Thyroid, Hormonal Imbalance, etc.
Enjoy a Healthy Conception & Happy Pregnancy

Through the Right Foods, Lifestyle, Physical Activities & Mental Wellness
This Online Retreat is For You, If You:

  • Planning a healthy conception
  • Struggling to concieve due to PCOS, Low Egg Count, Poor Egg Quality, Hormonal Imbalance, Thyroid, Miscarriage History, or other physical challenges
  • Planning fertility treatments such as IVF & IUI
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Hear From The Happy Moms Who Conceived Following Anchal’s Fertility Program:

1 / 6
2 / 6
3 / 6

4 / 6
5 / 6
6 / 6

4 / 6
5 / 6
6 / 6

What Will You Learn?

Using 5 Natural Elements
for Fertility

Natural Fertility Diet

Fertility-Boosting Lifestyle
& Natural Therapies

Expected Results*

  • Increased chances of conception
  • Better reproductive health
  • A stress-free fertility Journey
  • Overcome infertility problems caused by ovarian, tubular & uterine issues

 *After 2-3 months of following the learnings of the Online Retreat

Program Schedule: LIVE Zoom Sessions

LIVE Program Session Day 1: 26 July 2024 | 6-8 PM (IST)

  • Know more about Anchal’s fertility journey
  • Understand Fertility from the lens of Nature Cure
    • Key principles
    • Root cause of fertility problems 
    • Stages of disease
    • 5 elements of nature
  • Impact of epigenetics on fertility 
  • The solution - Fertility square
LIVE Program Session Day 2: 27 July 2024 | 11 AM - 1 PM (IST)

Optimal Fertility Diet
  • What to eat? - List of fertility angels & vampire foods
  • How to eat? - Food combinations for optimum nutrient absorption
  • When to eat? - Food timings based on body’s circadian rhythm 
  • Diet plan to incorporate the above principles to boost fertility
LIVE Program Session Day 3: 28 July 2024 | 11 AM - 1 PM (IST)

Fertility Friendly Lifestyle
  • Melatonin therapy
  • Solar therapy
  • Techniques to cultivate a fertile mindset
  • Exercise guidance
  • Syncing with body’s circadian rhythm
5-day Active WhatsApp Group Chat Support: 29 July - 02 August  2024 (Mon-Fri, 10 AM - 6 PM)
2 Complimentary E-books:
  • Fabulous Fertility Foods (Natural foods, recipes & ingredients)
  • Green Your Life (How to include more vegetables and greens in your daily diet in a tasty & interesting way)

Fertility Boosting Yoga (pre-recorded video) - Asanas to improve blood circulation to the reproductive area
Retreat Price: INR 1,249/-

Discounted Price: INR 999/-

20% Discount Inclusive

  • 3 LIVE Program Sessions
  • WhatsApp Group Support
  • 2 E-books On Fertility Foods & Lifestyle
  • Fertility Boosting Yoga Video Tutorial
  • 1-Year Access To Retreat Recording
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Empower Yourself With Knowledge & Tools That Support Your Fertility. De-Mystify The Fertility Journey!

Disclaimer: All our programs are based on diet and lifestyle changes, as per nature cure. The corrective measures and suggestions by our health experts may differ for different people, resulting in varying healing outcomes / health results, depending on a person's health condition, body type and health goals.


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