Increase Your Haemoglobin Naturally
Know the Right Diet & Natural Therapies to Reverse Iron Deficiency & Improve Hemoglobin
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55% of Women In India have Anemia
~ National Family Health Survey (III)
A Key Reason for Anemia is the Deficiency of Iron or Vitamin B12.
With a balanced & nutritious diet and healthy lifestyle practices, it is possible to significantly improve your Hemoglobin levels and maintain them for life!

This workshop will help you improve your Hb levels without any dietary supplements
This workshop is for you, if:
- You have low Hb levels
- You have been dealing with anaemia or iron deficiency for some time
- You want to improve your Hb levels naturally
- You want to maintain healthy Hb levels for life
Expected Results:
After following the practices showcased in the workshop for 4-6 weeks, you can expect to have:
Enhanced Hb count
Improved energy levels
Reduced headaches
Better muscle strength
No pale skin or gums

What will You Learn?
Decode Anaemia
Understand the root cause & symptoms of anaemia
How anaemia impacts the health of your organs?
How to maximise the absorption of iron by the body?
Role of a healthy microbiome in fighting anaemia
Anaemia myth busters
Diet & Therapies To Improve Haemoglobin
Gorilla foods for improving iron deficiency
Chlorophyll Therapy & Juice therapy
Haemoglobin-friendly kitchen practices
How to avoid iron blockers?
Lifestyle practices & natural therapies